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Adult / Infant ventilator


The RAPHAEL family of ventilators provides ICU patients, from children through adults, a cost-effective and compact ventilation solution.
Both the basic RAPHAEL and
the RAPHAEL Silver offer today's sophisticated ventilation modalities,
giving you access to a wide range of treatment options.

In either version the patient benefits,
because the ventilator adapts to
their individual condition and needs.
In volume modes, the RAPHAEL's adaptive controller delivers the selected tidal volume
at the lowest pressure possible,
combining the benefits of pressure-controlled ventilation with a volume guarantee.

Incorporating a biphasic ventilation concept,
the RAPHAEL lets your patients breathe freely
in all modes and phases.

The premium version, the RAPHAEL Silver, augments the capabilities of the basic RAPHAEL with the closed-loop ventilation mode ASV (Adaptive Support Ventilation), DuoPAP/APRV modes, trends, and loops.

Despite the RAPHAEL's sophistication, you will be pleased to discover how easy it is to use. And although it's compact, the RAPHAEL is complete, with battery backup, nebulizer, and oxygen monitoring. The small package fits into a tight corner of the ICU -- and into a small budget, too.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is important to use the HAMILTON MEDICAL Flow Sensor with the RAPHAEL to ensure proper functioning of the ventilator. Please refer to Important Alert (English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish).

Basic RAPHAEL technical specifications (non-US English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish)
RAPHAEL Silver technical specifications (non-US English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish)

The basic RAPHAEL and RAPHAEL Silver ventilators are not available in the USA